Educators must be able to act as agents of change in order to increase rates of adoptions of new technology and innovations. Without that leadership, even the best innovations might languish or be implemented half-heartedly and not be as effective as they could be.

Artifact 1
MEDT 8461: Diffusion of Innovations
Serious Educational Games -- Innovations
This website outlines the concept of serious educational games (SEG) and explores the attributes of the innovation: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The positive attributes of SEGs made them a good match with the target population.
MEDT 8461: Diffusion of Innovations
Serious Educational Games -- Innovations
This website outlines the concept of serious educational games (SEG) and explores the attributes of the innovation: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The positive attributes of SEGs made them a good match with the target population.

Artifact 2
MEDT 8462: Leading and Managing Instructional Technology Programs
Technology Integration Plan: Proposed technology goals (pg. 6)
This plan outlines a proposal of increasing the usage of educational websites and touchscreen TVs in a school environment. The goals section breaks down the steps for introducing the innovations and has a comprehensive action plan for support and adoption.
MEDT 8462: Leading and Managing Instructional Technology Programs
Technology Integration Plan: Proposed technology goals (pg. 6)
This plan outlines a proposal of increasing the usage of educational websites and touchscreen TVs in a school environment. The goals section breaks down the steps for introducing the innovations and has a comprehensive action plan for support and adoption.
I worked in a group for my serious educational games project. It was very time-intensive with a lot of additional “parts” so to speak, as seen on the other pages of the Google Site. Thankfully I worked with some great people and we all participated equally. Our biggest challenge was collecting a sufficient amount of data. We used surveys to gather input from our stakeholders,but since it was during the summer it was harder to get in touch with people. Furthemore, with it being a summer course there was not as much time to collect the data. For the technology integration plan, a similar issue arose. While not during the summer, I took the course during a time when my stakeholders were teaching virtually, and thus it was harder to gather data. However, I used what data I could and completed a data analysis to the best of my ability.
Rationale for Artifacts
For SLO two, I had to act as an agent of change to introduce and champion different innovations for the classroom. My artifact one describes the innovation of serious educational games, the attributes of the innovation, and the rationale for why my team decided that this innovation would be an asset for our target school. My second artifact looks at the technology goals of a larger technology plan. For each of the goals, I broke it down step by step how to introduce the innovations of increased usage of educational websites and incorporating more use of the touchscreen TVs and how to support those changes.
The look at serious educational games was one of the first big projects I completed after starting the degree program, and to be honest I had somewhat forgotten I had done it, which is a shame since I had a great time doing it and used it as an excuse to play lots of fun games. Upon reflection, I wonder how many of those games still exist since Adobe stopped supporting Flash at the end of December 2020. So many educational games and simulations were Flash-based, and not all game developers had the time and/or money to recreate the games in HTML5. With the technology integration plan, as I note in other reflections, it was a huge project and served almost like a capstone of sorts. These two projects bookend nicely.