Distance Learning Portfolio
In this portfolio are artifacts and examples of my knowledge of distance education and instructional design. Distance education is a fascinating field that will only continue to grow. I hope that I will, in some way, contribute to the field, potentially as a technology support specialist.
After working as the AV/IT Specialist at the Atlanta Speech School for several years, I decided to begin a degree program to earn my Masters of Education in Instructional Technology at the University of West Georgia. During the course of my studies I've learned a great deal that would make me an asset to a distance learning program. I've been exposed to a variety of learning management systems; I'm knowledgeable of HTML and basic web design; and I'm well-versed in a variety of 2.0 web tools, their strengths and weaknesses, and their use for supporting the 21st century learner.
For more information about me, please visit my home page or view my resume. More examples of my graduate work may be found in my graduate portfolio.
Please use the links below or those in the drop-down menu to navigate to my individual classes.
After working as the AV/IT Specialist at the Atlanta Speech School for several years, I decided to begin a degree program to earn my Masters of Education in Instructional Technology at the University of West Georgia. During the course of my studies I've learned a great deal that would make me an asset to a distance learning program. I've been exposed to a variety of learning management systems; I'm knowledgeable of HTML and basic web design; and I'm well-versed in a variety of 2.0 web tools, their strengths and weaknesses, and their use for supporting the 21st century learner.
For more information about me, please visit my home page or view my resume. More examples of my graduate work may be found in my graduate portfolio.
Please use the links below or those in the drop-down menu to navigate to my individual classes.